竞技场是日常的PVP任务。玩家每天有10个免费机会参加线下比赛。获得免费机会后,他们可以花少量的锭来购买许多挑战。 VIP等级越高,可以购买的玩家数量越多。该系统的核心游戏玩法是与排名高于自己的玩家竞争。胜利可以提高排名。根据排名,排名奖励将每天被授予荣誉值。荣誉值可以在商场的荣誉区购买。这是玩家必须完成的日常任务,也是后续技能书籍的主要来源之一
单个玩家与所有人相似,每晚9:00 在活动开始后的9:30,参与比赛的玩家进入游戏的准备,并且同一游戏中的玩家进入相同的准备场景。系统根据玩家的位置进行匹配。根据获胜者和玩家,将为玩家分配位置,并通过比赛获得玩家的排名奖。所获得的积分将添加到促销细分中,该细分带来的奖励是每天可以收到的优点。通过功劳,可以在购物中心购买角色升级所需的道具和稀有头衔
猛烈的射击,完美的击杀;你死而活,赢或输;这是杀戮的真正含义,这是战场上的残酷 The magical battlefield, open daily 20:00-20:30, belongs to the multiplayer online PVP killing battlefield, only divided into camps, regardless of the enemy; players enter the event and are randomly divided into two camps, killing enemy players to get personal points, The camps of both sides compete for the towers in the center and around the battlefield, and enjoy the fun of killing the enemy camp. When the points are reached, you can receive rewards
Four gangs for hegemony
Unity and endeavor to cooperate with each other is the fun of gang war! Gang contend for multiplayer online PVP; players choose to join the gang, Wednesday night 20:30-21:00 points can participate in gang hegemony, gang hegemony main goal is to kill or protect the center of the venue In the process of hegemony, the person who kills the flag can seize the banner, get the gang points according to the time of the flag, and the main source of the winning gang will be qualified to participate in the winner. At the same time, the winner is the winner of last week. Gangs don’t need to compete for this week’s gang to fight for the first time
The five kings compete for hegemony
The two gang members need to compete for the statue in the center of the scene. Click on the statue to collect it. It takes a certain time to collect. At the same time, only one person can collect the reading. At the beginning of the activity, the statue belongs to the defensive gang. As the next defender is the defensive side of the king, the offensive side is the first gang of the next group of heroes
Six cross-service locations
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